Monday, December 30, 2019

Treaty of Portsmouth

The Treaty of Portsmouth was a peace agreement signed on September 5, 1905, at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine, United States, which officially ended the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 – 1905. U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in brokering the pact. Fast Facts: Treaty of Portsmouth The Treaty of Portsmouth was a peace agreement between Russia and Japan, brokered by the United States. It put an end to the Russo-Japanese War, fought from February 8, 1904 to September 5, 1905, when the treaty was signed.Negotiations focused on three key issues: access to Manchurian and Korean ports, control of Sakhalin Island, and payment of the financial costs of the war.The Treaty of Portsmouth led to nearly 30 years of peace between Japan and Russia, and earned President Roosevelt the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. The Russo-Japanese War The Russo-Japanese War of 1904 – 1905 was fought between the Empire of Russia, a modernized world military power, and the Empire of Japan, a largely agrarian nation just starting to develop its industrial sector. Since the end of the First Sino-Japanese War in 1895, both Russia and Japan had clashed over their competing imperialistic ambitions in areas of Manchuria and Korea. By 1904, Russia controlled Port Arthur, a strategically important warm water seaport on the southern tip of Manchuria’s Liaodong Peninsula. After Russia helped put down an attempted Japanese coup in adjacent Korea, war between the two nations seemed inevitable. On February 8, 1904, the Japanese attacked the Russian fleet harbored at Port Arthur before sending a declaration of war to Moscow. The surprise nature of the attack helped Japan gain an early victory. Over the next year, Japanese forces won important victories in Korea and the Sea of Japan. However, casualties were high on both sides. In the bloody Battle of Mukden alone, some 60,000 Russian and 41,000 Japanese soldiers were killed. By 1905, the human and financial costs of war led both countries to seek peace. Terms of the Treaty of Portsmouth Japan asked U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt to act as the intermediary to negotiating a peace agreement with Russia. Hoping to maintain an equal balance of power and economic opportunity in the region, Roosevelt desired a pact that would allow both Japan and Russia to maintain their influence in East Asia. Though he had publicly supported Japan at the start of the war, Roosevelt feared that America’s interests in the region could suffer if Russia was driven out completely. Russian and Japanese diplomats seated at the negotiating table during the Portsmouth Peace Conference. Buyenlarge / Getty Images Negotiations focused on three key issues: access to Manchurian and Korean ports, control of Sakhalin Island, and payment of the financial costs of the war. Japan’s priorities were: the division of control in Korea and South Manchuria, the sharing of war costs, and control of Sakhalin. Russia demanded continued control of Sakhalin Island, flatly refused to reimburse Japan for its war costs, and sought to maintain its Pacific fleet. Payment of war costs turned out to be the most difficult negotiation point. In fact, the war had so badly depleted Russia’s finances, it would have probably been unable to pay any war costs even if required to do so by the treaty. Delegates agreed to declare an immediate cease-fire. Russia recognized Japan’s claim to Korea and agreed to withdraw its forces from Manchuria. Russia also agreed to return its lease of Port Arthur in southern Manchuria to China and give up its railroad and mining concessions in southern Manchuria to Japan. Russia retained control of the Chinese Eastern Railway in northern Manchuria. When negotiations stalled over control of Sakhalin and payment of war debts, President Roosevelt suggested that Russia â€Å"buy back† the northern half of Sakhalin from Japan. Russia flatly refused to pay money its people might see as an indemnity for territory their soldiers had paid for with their lives. After a lengthy debate, Japan agreed to drop all of its claims for reparations in return for the southern half of Sakhalin Island. Historical Significance The Treaty of Portsmouth led to nearly 30 years of peace between Japan and Russia. Japan emerged as the main power in East Asia, as Russia was forced to drop its imperialistic aspirations in the region. However, the agreement did not sit well with the people of either country. Postcard shows the building at the Portsmouth Navy Yard where the peace talks were held, the Hotel Wentworth, and flags of Japan and Russia, all superimposed on an American flag. Buyenlarge / Getty Images The Japanese people considered themselves the victors and saw the refusal of war reparations as an act of disrespect. Protests and riots broke out in Tokyo when the terms were announced. At the same time, being forced to give up half of Sakhalin Island angered the Russian people. However, neither the average Japanese nor Russian citizen was aware of how badly the war had damaged the economies of their respective countries. During the war and the peace talks, the American people generally felt Japan was fighting a â€Å"just war† against Russian aggression in East Asia. Viewing Japan as being fully committed to the U.S. Open Door policy of preserving the territorial integrity of China, Americans were anxious to support it. However, the negative, sometimes anti-American reaction to the treaty in Japan surprised and angered many Americans. Indeed, the Treaty of Portsmouth marked the last meaningful period of U.S.-Japanese cooperation until the post-World War II reconstruction of Japan in 1945. At the same time, however, relations between Japan and Russia warmed as a result of the treaty. While he never actually attended the peace talks, and the actual extent of his influence on leaders in Tokyo and Moscow remained unclear, President Roosevelt was widely praised for his efforts. In 1906, he became the first of three sitting U.S. presidents to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Sources and Further Reference â€Å"The Treaty of Portsmouth and the Russo-Japanese War, 1904–1905.† U.S. Department of State. Office of the Historian Kowner, Rotem. â€Å"Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War.† The Scarecrow Press, Inc. (2006). â€Å"Text of Treaty; Signed by the Emperor of Japan and Czar of Russia.† The New York Times. October 17, 1905. â€Å"Partial record of Privy Council meeting to ratify the treaty.† National Archives of Japan. Figes, Orlando. â€Å"From Tsar to U.S.S.R.: Russias Chaotic Year of Revolution.† National Geographic.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Did Women and Men Benefit Equally from the Renaissance

ISSUE 11. Did Women and Men Benefit Equally From the Renaissance? YES: Margaret L. King, from Women of the Renaissance NO: Joan Kelly-Gadol, from Did Women Have a Renaissance? in Renate Bridenthal, Claudia Koonz, and Susan Stuard, eds., Becoming Visible: Women in European History, 2d ed. ISSUE 1. Did Homo Sapiens Originate in Africa? YES: Christopher Stringer and Robin McKie, from African Exodus: The Origins of Modern Humanity NO: Milford Wolpoff and Rachel Caspari, from Race and Human Evolution Science researcher Christopher Stringer and science writer Robin McKie state that modern humans first developed in Africa and then spread to other parts of the world.†¦show more content†¦Professor of religious studies Karen Armstrong finds in the early Christian Church examples of hostility toward women and fear of their sexual power, which she contends led to the eventual exclusion of women from full participation in a male-dominated church. PART 2. The Medieval/Renaissance Worlds ISSUE 7. Did Same-Sex Unions Exist in Medieval Europe? YES: John Boswell, from Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe NO: Philip Lyndon Reynolds, from Same-Sex Unions: What Boswell Didnt Find, The Christian Century Professor John Boswell (1947-1994) states that same-sex unions, which dated back to pagan times, existed in medieval Europe until they were gradually done away with by the Christian Church. Reviewer Philip Lyndon Reynolds, while admitting that brotherhood ceremonies took place in the prescribed period, asserts that these ceremonies did not have the same authority as sacred unions and therefore cannot be equated with marriage rites. ISSUE 8. Were Environmental Factors Responsible for the Collapse of Maya Civilization? YES: Richard E. W. Adams, from Prehistoric Mesoamerica, rev. ed. NO: George L. Cowgill, from Teotihuacan, Internal Militaristic Competition, and the Fall of the Classic Maya, in Norman Hammond and Gordon R. Willey, eds., Maya Archaeology and Ethnohistory Professor of anthropology Richard E. W. Adams argues that althoughShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Gender During The Renaissance Period1466 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Renaissance period, which took place between 1300-1700. The term Renaissance stands for ‘rebirth’, and in this context refers to the increased interest that was taken in learning from Greek and Roman classical writing. Recent exploration by historians into the Renaissance period has seen a fixation on the discussion of the role of gender during the Renaissance. A variety of historians, such as Joan Kelly and Merry E. Weisner, believe that women didn’t experience any form of a Renaissance duringRead MoreElizabeth Woodville And Anne Boleyn1747 Words   |  7 PagesWomen throughout history rarely receive attention for more than superficial causes: their influence on style, manners, or less. 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The confusion is the result of several negative connotations associatedRead MoreFeminism : A Long Time Goal For The Feminism Movement1671 Words   |  7 Pagesthe last 100 years did feminism equality adv anced so much within the united states. Women have gained many rights that men have and perhaps more. Has feminism accomplished all their goals that there is no need for feminist in the united states? Many women believe that there is no need for feminist anymore. Throughout history women had little to no rights then men. In ancient Egypt women were equal to their husbands but within their society they had distinct roles that men and women each had. For exampleRead More Mutuality and Patriarchy in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay2125 Words   |  9 Pagesin our society, the status we will hold in our culture, and even the structure of our daily lives. 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(Gutierrez, 272) ARead MoreThere Is an Inevitable Negative Effect between Religion and Politics1537 Words   |  6 Pagesone another. In politics, today, religion overlaps politics in many aspects. Considering that religion has become more open and in America, supposedly separated from church and state, one would be lead to believe that the progression has separated them entirely, at least in the United States. However, looking back at the Renaissance, one can only make the argument that religion has become less influential, but is still predominate. Such as in political factions, where people tend to agree withRead More The Great Essay1449 Words   |  6 PagesThe Great The Corruptness of the American Dream The nineteen twenties was a decade of renaissance characterized by the American Dream- the widespread aspiration of Americans to live better than their parents. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, contains themes that continue to be relevant today. 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This created the split of the Catholic Church which created a new variation called the Protestant religion. â€Å"In Praise of Folly,† Erasmus, a scholar in the prime of the renaissance era, mocks the Catholic Church and all its corruption. In the opening lines, Erasmus discusses how Catholic followers are fools, who believe in corruption such as worshiping various spirits, believe in the devil, and lie. These actions are acceptable

Friday, December 13, 2019

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Free Essays

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas â€Å"Explain how characters transition from headstrong and quirky in the beginning to something that resembles shell-shocked soldiers† Raul Duke and the Attorney also known as the main characters of the novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas transition from headstrong and quirky characters to something that appears to be shell-shocked soldiers. The American Dream, a very common theme for every American, everyone wants to live it but few actually know what it is. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is the American Dream put in action as Hunter S. We will write a custom essay sample on Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thompson puts to the test his standard practice of living in excess and acting strangely enough to evade detection, with the attitude of someone who belongs where he is. Hunter S. Thompson manages to create a journalistic discovery that outlines the changes of an American legend. The characters transitioning from headstrong and quirky in the beginning to something that resembles shell-shocked soldiers, these descriptions apply to both the characters, Raul Duke and his Samoan attorney who is never named, and the supporting characters, hotel bellhops and other static characters. Old elephants limp off to the hills to die; old Americans go out to the high way and drive themselves to death with huge cars†(18). This shows a perfect blend of aggressive journalism gone awry combined with great American willpower and ingenuity and is a landmark in the world of â€Å"counterculture† writing. At the beginning of the novel both Raul Duke and the attorney showed head strong and quir ky qualities. As your attorney†, that’s how the attorney always presented himself in front of people shows a very positive and headstrong personality because he isn’t afraid of showing who he is and it also represents how he loves his job since he always wanted to be referred as to the attorney. Another scene that shows both the attorney and Dr. Thompson upbeat personalities is their ride with the shark to Las Vegas. Off course they were high throughout the whole drive. That is also a reason why they felt so headstrong because it is believed that drugs made them feel more powerful. We are going to rip his lungs out! † said the attorney during the ride to Las Vegas. Also them getting the shark was one of the moments that got them so pumped up. Then there is a change in personality were both characters resemble shell-shocked soldiers. I believe these changes of transition originate from the drugs and their effects and that provokes them to become bipolar. One of the scenes that show this transition is the Vietnam flash and the hotel scene while Dr. Thompson and the attorney are in the elevator and the attorney becomes overly aggressive. This transition happens after their usage of drugs and alcohol and it is influenced by Hunter S. Thompson and his persona. The influence of Dr. Thompson’s novel he has had on American culture is almost countless. Every American writer with any sense of politics and social morality reads and looks up to the good doctor. Fear and Loathing marks a turning point in his style. The strange and often twisted mindset of these people creates, for the average readers, what seems like an alternate reality, a world which they have never before witnessed. Duke and his attorney seem like characters in some perverse drama although they are in fact, actual people. This is the effect the â€Å"sub culture† that is the subject matter. The reader can identify with the ordinary people in the novel such as hitchhiker, these people do not understand the rhyme or reason of the actions taken by the end of the book the reader, at least, has gleaned some sort of comprehension of this secret and sometimes frightening world of drug people. You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug especially when its waving a razor-sharp knife un your eyes†. This transition from headstrong and quirky to shell-shocked soldiers all occurs from the use of drugs and its effects. Thus, Hunter S. Thompson created these characters and their personalities as a representation of himself even though they are realistic people. How to cite Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

process of specified project management

Question: Discuss about the Processes for Managing Change to the Project ? Answer: Introduction Change management is a process of specified project management perspective that offers survival policies from any new set of technical or informational specification within many particular organizations or within any specified project (Adeniji et al., 2013). Change management process is helpful in solving various issues and circumstances involved within system architectuco of any concerned projects or organization. Every organization and project has different change management perspectives with respect to their achievable goals and objectives. In contrast with these facts, this report is elaborating about the importance of change management process involved within any organization or within any specified project. In addition to this, this report is considering California State University as selected organization within this report (Brighthub Project Management, 2017). Supportive literature review and organizational context of the selected organization are being elaborated within this report in order to highlight the importance of change management practices within the concerned organization. Organizational Context California State University is one of the popular public universities of California. This university owns 23 campuses as well as eight off- campuses enrolled with 460,200 students with 24,405 faculties and 23,102 staffs within it (Brighthub Project Management, 2017). CSU is considered as largest four year public university system. In contrast with these facts, any IT system-architectural or informative changes that is made within the network, needs to be circulated among all of these members of the university. Therefore, previously the organization has one manual ITSM structure that operates their various information and these are circulated within the members and houses involved within the campus. This entire process was difficult; therefore, one automotive change management system with respect to ITSM has been implemented within the network of the organization. This change management strategy was considered for managing the system architecture within the organization. California St ate University faced so many issues while operating with this manual ITSM system architecture within their organization (Brighthub Project Management, 2017). Their target is to implement and improvise their information system and network architecture with respect to their internal and organizational demands. The change management perspective is involved and introduced within the organization for managing system effectiveness. Models, frameworks and processes for how change is brought about or experienced in projects According to Serra and Kunc (2015), the benefits realization management process involved within project success and is dependent on the business strategies and processes adopted by the projects. In contrast with this fact, this article is focusing on the change of strategies that are managing the organizational development and further progress with respect various critical aspects and facts. This article is considering the quantitative approach of research methodology for supporting views related to impact of change management process within any organizational context. Sampling technique (Filling the Value Gap) is used for managing the supportive statements. This article is mainly reflecting about the need of realization management and its influence on the project success. According to Hornstein (2015), the organizational change management within information technology and business transformation projects is important for change management perspective. In contrast with these facts, there are consequences are being elaborated within this article with respect to stand alone projects that focuses on change of infrastructure and organizational strategies involved within any Information Technology concepts. This paper is not concentrating on any particular methodology for analyzing their research processes. This article is mainly reflecting on the how projects are impacted by the organizational change management processes involved within any organization. The change management concept is justified for this project concept as there are chances of organizational improvements. According to Santos and Quilliam (2015), the usages of software in managing the changes involved within the organizational processes and development perspectives is mandatory for organizational development. In addition to this, the change management processes are considered with respect to software packages and its utilization within the organization. This utilization of software packages in organizations also controls changes and risks. The research method considered within this article is qualitative though there are no elaborations about this; this is identified while critically evaluating the paper. The aims and objectives of this paper is justified as this paper is elaborating process that can replace the exact change management process for managing organizational development. According to Low et al. (2015), the utilization of change in staff care practices for improving resident outcomes within nursing homes important for managing resident outcomes. In contrast with this fact, this article is highlighting various issues and justification for adopting Change in Staff Care Practices for improving the resident outcomes. This article is considering qualitative analysis for assessing the staffs behavior and attitude towards changing the Resident Outcomes. This article is reflecting the process of managing the employee behavior for assessing the need for improving Resident Outcomes. This objectives and goals of this article is justified with respect to the organizational demands for managing change management process within hospitals. Processes for managing change to the project According to Kuipers et al. (2014), the change management process are affecting the public organizations. In contrast with these facts, the public organizations are considering the change management perspectives for managing the organizational development perspectives. In addition to this, this article is considering qualitative research method for collecting required data for the concerned research processes. In addition to this, the research results and process are justified enough for managing the change perspectives involved within the organizational structure of public organizations with respect to various critical aspects involved within organizational development. According to Adeniji, Osibanjo and Abiodun (2013), specific project of the Nigerian banking industry based on the organizational change and human resource management processes and inventions are important for analyzing the change management in hospitals. In addition to this, this paper is using quantitative and qualitative analysis for managing the collecting databases about the processes of change management process involved within any organizational culture. This article has justified elaboration about the change management processes involved within the organizational structure of any specific organization. According to Jos et al. (2012) the professional discourages and resistance of changing processes involved within any organization involves change management process for managing organizational effectiveness. In contrast with these facts, there are various other aspects and specific aspects that are being elaborated within this article with respect to various aspects involved within any organization. In contrast with these facts, this article is considering the qualitative research methodology within this research process. In contrast with these facts, the research topic is effective justified with respect organizational goals and objectives with respect to the change management processes and funding. According to (2017), this article is elaborating about the enabling process of organizational change with respect to strategic initiatives within any organization. In contrast with these facts, this article is focusing on the organizational driving factors that are forcefully make changes towards the organizational development with the help of changing strategies and functionalities. In contrast with these facts, research methods used within this research article. The considered research topic is justified within this article as this entirely based on change management process for managing organizational development. Comparisons and Contrast In contrast with these facts, the concept of change management is effectively elaborated with respect to organizational context. This can be stated from the comparison of concerned literature that change management has effectively implemented within organizational context with respect to various organizational objectives and goals. The comparison is stating that the change management process is mandatory for any kinds of organizational or project development with respect to various critical aspects depending on the system architecture and organizational demands project involved within any organization. In this portion of the report it is analyzed that change management processes are dependent on the conditions involved within any project or organization. In contrast with these facts, it is found that though there are various specifications of different situation within different projects, conditional facts and conditions in managing change management are same as general sense of the need for managing change management within any project or organization. In contrast with the facts and perspectives involved within the system architecture of any organization or project, the perspective of change management is brought within the project or organization with respect various critical aspects and concepts. Recommendations The project concerned for this report is the upcoming project of California State University to automate their ITSM system architecture with respect to their various network and system architectural needs. Therefore, the implementation of these kinds of network infrastructural needs there must be some recommendations. Therefore, in order to manage effective change management processes and functionalities involved within the concerned organization, some of the effective recommendations are being provided within this part of the assignment. These are given as follows: Standard utilization of devices: Standard utilization of devices are if incorporated within the change management processes then the system architectural changes and development processes are supported by the considered change management processes within California State University. Therefore, this aspects needs to be managed with respect to the standard device utilization processes. In addition to this, there are various critical aspect that are important for managing the network infrastructure of CSU and this can be achieved with the help of this aspect. Blocking of unauthorized changes: Blocking of unauthorized changes within the network infrastructure will prevent the effective data thefts and hacking processes involved within the system architecture of the concerned network of CSU. In addition to this, third party accesses to the databases are denied with this technological development. The change management process concerned for this project of CSU can be easily conducted and managed with the help of this functional aspect involved within the project of CSU. Detailed compliance reporting: Detailed compliance reporting is one of the effective and supportive aspect for managing the change management processes involved within the project of CSU with respect to various network and infrastructural changes involved within the system architecture of CSU. SOX, HIPAA and COBIT are the compatible standards involved within the system architecture of CSU organization for managing the change management process. Comprehensive analysis and validation reporting: This aspect introduces the aspect that users of the concerned network infrastructure of CSU can easily monitor their databases and information presented to the system architectural heads and consumers. Therefore, the change management process involved within the network changes of CSU can be easily managed with the help of this technical recommendations. Comprehensive analysis of the validation and reporting perspectives provide solutions for meeting users queries. These queries generate various issues within the network that can be solved with the help of various critical aspects and concepts of change management within network infrastructure of CSU. Management of unplanned device configuration changes: Management of the unplanned device configuration system is very important for managing the change of infrastructure within CSU for managing the organizational effectiveness and system architectural demands of the organization. In contrast with these facts, the validation and reporting can be considered while managing the change management process with the help of this recommendation. The configurations can be easily managed with the help of various aspects and contexts involved within the change management processes involved within CSU. Conclusion This can be concluded that change management process is very important concept as well as aspect for managing organizational as well as project development perspectives. In contrast with these facts, this article is elaborating about various critical aspects in solving critical situations involved within project. In contrast with these facts, this report is providing different literature reviews with respect to various perspectives and concepts involved within various projects and organizations with respect to their change management processes and functional measures involved within the project management process. This report summarizes about the processes and methods involved within the change management processes involved within any concerned project. In addition to this, various recommendations are provided within this assignment that supports the improvisation of change management perspectives involved within any considered project. This report is highlighting the needs and benef its of change management system architecture within projects or organizations. References Adeniji, A.A., Osibanjo, A.O. and Abiodun, A.J., 2013. Organisational Change and Human Resource Management Interventions: an Investigation of the Nigerian Banking Industry.Serbian Journal of Management,8(2), pp.2-16. Brighthub Project Management. (2017).Three Examples of Successful Change Management Practices. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Mar. 2017]. Cameron, E. and Green, M., 2015.Making sense of change management: a complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers. Frankland, R., Mitchell, C.M., Ferguson, J.D., Sziklai, A.T., Verma, A.K., Popowski, J.E. and Sturgeon, D.H., Applications In Internet Time, Llc, 2013.Integrated change management unit. U.S. Patent 8,484,111. Gollenia, L.A., 2016.Business Transformation Management Methodology. Routledge. Hamraz, B., Caldwell, N.H. and Clarkson, P.J., 2013. A holistic categorization framework for literature on engineering change management.Systems Engineering,16(4), pp.473-505. Hayes, J., 2014.The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan. Hornstein, H.A., 2015. The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity.International Journal of Project Management,33(2), pp.291-298. Jos H. Pieterse,Marjolein C.J. Canils,Thijs Homan, (2012) "Professional discourses and resistance to change",Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 25 Iss: 6, pp.798 818 Kuipers, B.S., Higgs, M., Kickert, W., Tummers, L., Grandia, J. and Van der Voet, J., 2014. The management of change in public organizations: A literature review.Public Administration,92(1), pp.1-20. Low, L.F., Fletcher, J., Goodenough, B., Jeon, Y.H., Etherton-Beer, C., MacAndrew, M. and Beattie, E., 2015. A systematic review of interventions to change staff care practices in order to improve resident outcomes in nursing homes.PloS one,10(11), p.e0140711. Nayaka, G.P., Pai, K.V., Santhosh, G. and Manjanna, J., 2016. Dissolution of cathode active material of spent Li-ion batteries using tartaric acid and ascorbic acid mixture to recover Co.Hydrometallurgy,161, pp.54-57. (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Mar. 2017]. Santos, A. and Quilliam, W. (2015). An Overview of the Change Management Process and Examples of Software to Help Organizations Effectively Manage Change.GSTF Journal on Business Review (GBR), [online] 4(1), p. Available at: [Accessed 23 Mar. 2017]. Serra, C.E.M. and Kunc, M., 2015. Benefits Realisation Management and its influence on project success and on the execution of business strategies.International Journal of Project Management,33(1), pp.53-66. Worley, C.G. and Mohrman, S.A., 2014. Is change management obsolete?.Organizational Dynamics,43(3), pp.214-224.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Outstanding List of Dissertation Topics In 2019

Extensive List of 200+ Dissertation Topics for Strong Research Why do you need to spend a lot of time selecting a dissertation topic? Well, first of all, because it is not very easy to find a relevant subject that has not been explored previously. Second, you are going to be busy with this issue for several years, so it should be appealing to you. A dissertation is a serious academic work that takes a lot of effort and should have scientific value to provide information for further research. What makes a good topic? There are several aspects it needs to follow. Any dissertation topic must be unique and exciting for the person writing it. It also must deal with the field of knowledge you are working on and has not yet been completely explored. It can be a new perspective on an existing issue or research on a completely new phenomenon. And it must be available for exploration, meaning that you have ways to research and measure it and provide a sensible conclusion. How to Choose a Dissertation Topic? Where to start with your search? Probably your professor will give you several suggestions as they are more knowledgeable of the state of science. However, it is not the only option available. Write down phenomena that interest you personally and try to think of how they can be explored. Another good idea is to look through samples of dissertation papers – they will inspire you and give an idea of what has been done before. Where to Get Ideas for My Dissertation Topic? Coming up with a dissertation topic on your own is challenging. There are several places to look for dissertation ideas: Study the most recent published work in the field to find what perspectives and issues are open to further discussion; Look through examples of several works done by other scientists; Read topics and issues discussed in recent scientific conferences regarding your subject of interest, look what is relevant today; Conduct an online search of the most burning questions and intriguing dissertation topic ideas. Business and Administration Topics Business and Administration dissertation topics deal with the fluctuating state of modern technology and the researches done in the respected field. Writing a dissertation on this subject is a great investment in your future if you want to be involved in business management. Not only do you have an opportunity to create an impact on the sphere but also become a source of future development. Some of the aspects of this field of knowledge might require dissertation writing help as it is a complex project. Accounting Dissertation Topics How an Effective Audit Influences Big Corporation’s Income How Income Tax Affects Small Businesses Tax Legislation Regarding the Freelance Market Ethics Accounting in the Weapon Production Industry Influence of Risk-Based Accounting on a Company’s Rapid Development How Accounting Education Among Company Leaders Influences its Success Cash Flow Analysis to Forecast a Company’s Success Contemporary Methods of Financial Accounting The Most Effective Contemporary Fixed Asset Practices In-house vs External Audit: A Comparative Study Dissertation Topics in Management Can Mentoring Influence a Carreer’sSuccess? HR Policies and their Influence on Employee Job Satisfaction Business Management Against Discrimination Risks The Impact of Big Corporations on Ethical Values Comprehensive Study on Management of Family-Owned Business Effect of Reward Systems on Employee Performance Management Models in the Tourism Industry Managing Client Relationships in the Financial Sector The Modern Workplace and Stereotypical Gender Roles Unconventional HR Management Strategies for Employee Happiness and Performance Business Dissertation Topics Investigation on Real Estate Price Fluctuations Based on One City Trends in the Real Estate Market and the Reasoning Behind it Environmental-Friendly Real Estate Programs Economic Crisis of 2008 as a Leadership Failure Contemporary Business Leadership Models How Globalization Impacts Leadership in Business Business Challenges of International Companies How Gender Equality Influences Business Management Main Strategies that Attract Foreign Investment Ethical Management and Business Sustainability Public Administration Research Topics Involvement of Public Administration Regarding the Rights of Homeless People How Youth Influences Development of the Political System Immigration Policies and their Impact on the Economy and Population Social Media and the Involvement of Citizens in Public Administration Human Rights Violations and Resolutions on a Governmental Level The Influence of Mega Corporations on Public Administration The Importance of Equal Gender and Race Representation in Public Administration Corruption Practices, Their Influence and the Preventive Methods in Public Administration Can a Social Movement Make Change in Public Administration? The Case of March for Our Lives The Significance of Public Relations and the Modern Methods of Realization Marketing Dissertation Topics Efficient Marketing in the Small Business Sector Social Media Requires New Marketing Strategies Discovering Ethics in Marketing: Where is the Line of No Return? Do Loyalty Programs Work in Retail Business? Does Advertising Influence the Consumption of Tobacco Among Teenagers? The Specifics of Instagram Marketing and Advertisement Placement How Packaging Influences Sales in the Cosmetic Industry The Differences Between Traditional and Digital Marketing, Advantages and Disadvantages of Both Systems Is a Comedy-Based Advertisement Strategy More Effective? Inclusivity in Advertisement MBA Thesis Topics Is Risk-Based Management Profitable in the Banking Sector? Modern Individual Investment Strategies E-business vs Traditional: Main Differences and Trends How Modern Technology Influences Business Management in the Restaurant Industry Is Online Marketing Effective for Technological Startups? How Globalization Impacts Small Business Workplace Diversity and Corporate Success Strategies for Developing Brand Awareness for Small Companies Benefits of Robots in Production Industries How Fast Fashion Contributes to Human Rights Violations Economics Dissertation Topics This is a list of Ph.D. dissertation topics in the different aspects of Economic Sciences. Modern economics includes different perspectives, such as anthropology, geography, or sociology on traditional issues. It is largely based on the fact that the economic processes deals with a great variety of factors that surrounds us. As soon as you’ve selected a subject, you might find more useful information on how to write a dissertation. Political Economy Topics Issues of Tax Evasion by International Corporations and its Impact on the National Economy How a Media Presence Influences the Political Economy Process The Impact of Corporate Factories in Third World Countries The Sustainability of a Capitalist Economic Model in a Democratic Regime The Connection between Justice and Human Rights: The Case of Syria The Political Economic Effects of Brexit for the UK Political Economy of Middle Eastern Countries Regarding Women Labor How Gender Studies Influence Economic Theories The Negative Effects of Corruption in Governmental Structures for a Country’s Economy Legislative and Ethical Issues Dealing with Salaries in Developing Countries Macroeconomics Research Topics Means of Economic Forecasting and How it Impact’s Business Deep Analysis of the Reasons and Results of the Greek Economic Recession Globalization and Industrial Mass Production in the Retail Industry Comparing the Economies of Developed   vs Developing Countries How Franchising Contributes to the Global Economy Economic Benefit of Marijuana Legalization Based on the Canadian Experience How Local Factors Contribute to a Global Economic Recession How the Introduction of Modern Technology into Third World Countries Can Influence the Global Economy Use of Robotic Labor Instead of a Human Workforce and the Global Economy How Social Networks Contribute to the Global Economy Microeconomics Research Topics How Gathering Personal Data of Online Performance Can Help Small Business Consumer Behavior and Eco-Friendly Production Supply and Consumer Demand Ratio in the Modern Beauty Industry The Cost of Production vs the Ethics of Labor How geographical Location Influences the Food Industry Taxation and the Cost of a Private Healthcare System The Influence of Freelancing on the Modern Workforce The Efficiency of Fixed Costs in Managing the Marginal Propensity to Consume Economic Recession and Small Business How Small Companies can Compete with International Business Applied Economics Research Topics Exploring the Gender Wage Gap in Modern Europe The Significance of Economic Strategies of Greek Agriculture The Economy of Modern Higher Education in the USA The Economic Influence of European Expansion During the Age of Colonization How the Industrial Revolution Became a Basis of the Modern Economic Model The Results of the Industrial Revolution for the UK Economy Quadratic Engel Curves and Consumer Demand in the Fashion Industry Modern Travel Demand and its Influence of the Local Economy Gender Studies and Labor Supply of the 21st Century The Ambiguity of Applied Economics and its Modern Critique International Economics Research Topics Issues with Foreign Exchange Systems How Globalization leads to Mergers and International Economic Cooperation International Economic Recession of 2008 and its Impact on Local Economies How Oil Consumption Influences Global Economy International Economy and War Conflicts on the Middle East Informational Technologies and Their Influence on the Global Economy Article 13 and Possible Global Economical Results International Businesses and International Taxation Modern Emerging Markets and Forecasting Global Economic Changes How China’s Production Influences the Global Economy Finance Thesis Topics Modern Strategies to Collective Investment Micro-financing Institutions and the Level of Poverty in Developing Countries Influence of Informational Technology on the Modern Banking System Does Branding Affect Buyer’s Choice? How Credit Programs Influence Small Business Growth The Role of the World Bank in International Economy How the Size of a Business Affects Financial Decisions How Crowdfunding Platforms are Connected to a Global Economic System How the Increase of Hedge Funds Influences Economics Cultural and Geographical Reasons Behind Private Equity Investment Medicine Research Topics Ph.D. thesis topics in Medicine are also divided according to many spheres of knowledge. If you are a post-graduate student of a Medical College, you might find some interesting ideas in the following lists. Nursing Dissertation Topics Treating Injuries in Diabetic Patients Providing a Necessary Environment for Elderly People at the Hospital The Correlation Between Patients’ Stress Level and Nursing Help Treating Strategies for Patients with PTSD Management of Drug Dependency Programs Strategies to Prevent Nurse’s Burn Outs Treating Patients with Acute Pains Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Private Nursing System Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Communication Challenges Necessity and Strategies of Constant Pharmacological Education for Nurses Occupational Therapy Research Topics Modern Preventing Strategies to Fight Obesity Among Teenagers Preparing Patients With Anxiety to Return to Workplace Role of Occupational Therapy in Leaving with Mental Diseases Use of Animal Helpers in Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy for Substance Abuse Patients Preparing Patients to Return to Work with Prosthesis Occupational Therapy for Non-Speaking Patients Using Cats as Treatment Tool for Patients with Depression Strategies for Creation of Individual Occupational Therapy Programs Can Occupational Therapy Help Imprisoned People to Join the Work market? Physical Education Research Topic Correlation Between Physical Education and Academic Performance in Middle School Physical Education Programs to Fight Obesity How Physical Education Can Prevent Mental Diseases Benefits of Physical Education for Children with Autism Spectrum The Use of Music During Training and its Influence on Sport Performance Benefits of Football in Developing Communication Skills in Children Basketball and Development of Strategically Thinking Among Teenagers Study on Gender-Based Separation on Games in PE Traditional PE Exercises vs Modern Methodic: Comparative Study PE Games and Interpersonal Relations Between Peers Dissertation Topics in Healthcare Management Private Healthcare System and Media Presence What are the Major Effects of Medical Tourism? Improvement Strategies for Public Healthcare System Insurance Healthcare Programs and Population’s Health Budgeting a Public Healthcare System Benefits of Adaptation of Evidence-Based Healthcare system Implementation of Modern Recovery Programs in Hospital Care System Integration of Foreign Medical Staff into Hospital HR Policies to Increase the Efficiency of Hospital Care Managing Departments of Contagious Diseases Mental Health Research Topics Correlation Between Raise of Social Networks and Anxiety Disorders Among Teenagers Strategies for Treating Multiple Personalities Disorder Light Therapy in Treating Depression Correlation Between Patient’s Immune System and Mental Health Fashion Industry and Its Impact of Eating Disorders Among Children Digital Counseling: Advantages, Disadvantages in Treatment of Anxieties and Depression How Mental Health Issues Influence Patient’s Use of Technology How Parent’s Divorce Contributes to a Child’s Mental Health Strategies for a Full-time Employment for Patients Suffering from Depression How Narcissistic Personality Disorder Influences One’s Academic Performance Thesis Topics In General Medicine Treatment of Chronic Liver Diseases Among Patients with Diabetes Influence of Serum Cortisol Level on the Severity of the Stroke Risk Factors of Liver Abscess Development Strategies for Treating Infectious Cysts Treatment of Non-alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis in Patients with Diabetes 2 Ethical Issue of Assisted Suicide in Terminal Diseases Usage of Marijuana in the Prevention of Cancer Specifics of ART for Patients with Substance Addiction Use of Painkillers by Patient with Cardiovascular Diseases The Efficiency of Tuberculosis Prevention Programs   Humanities Research Topics For students majoring in Humanities, there is also a list of good and appealing dissertation ideas that they can explore. Master’s thesis in Humanities deals with cultural or philosophical phenomena that require a specific set of methods. You are probably going to review a lot of different sources and integrate them into your perfect research. We also offer several tips on how to write an academic literature review, which might be helpful in this case. Art Dissertation Topics How Modern Technology Influenced Abstract Art The Rise of Digital Art How Capitalism Contributed to the Development of Conceptual Art The Phenomenon of Digital Singers: How are They Taking Over Music Industry Shift in Gender Roles in Marvel Comic Book in the Last 20 years The Concept of Art Extermination as an Artistic Act The Interconnective Relations of Photography and Hyperrealistic Art The Concept of Freedom in French Impressionism Influence of E. D. Poe’s Prose on the Development of Horror Films Genre How the Choice of Art Supplies is Connected to Global Economy State Linguistics Dissertation Topics Influence of bilingual education on Child’s Cognitive Function How Language Specifics Influence Understanding of Genders Integration of Slang into Literary Canon How the Language Shapes One’s Forms and Color Perception Social Networks’ Impact on Slang Language How Accents Shape One’s Perception by Society Modern Language Learning Strategies The Efficiency of Language Learning Digital Apps Geographical Influence on Accents Formation Globalization and Lexical Borrowing Cultural Studies Dissertation Topics Creating a Virtual Reality: Is it a Piece of Art? Comparing Gender Representation in Movies â€Å"Wonder woman† and â€Å"Captain Marvel† Modern British Theater Metamodernism Esthetic Based on BoJack Horseman Inclusive Representation of Minorities   in Children’s Books How Hollywood Shapes the Film Industry Worldwide Cultural Appropriation in Movies, Books and Art How Globalization Influenced Cultural Relativism? Screen adaptation vs Book Original: Is it Possible to Live up to the Audience’s Expectation? Abstract Art in Modern Photography Philosophy Dissertation Topics New Ethics in a Digital Age The Raise of Nihilism in Modern Internet Culture Camus Absurd Theory Reminiscence in Modern Philosophy Works Applying Paul RicÅ“ur’s Memory and Forgetting Concept to Modern Technology of Self-Statement Body Image and Social Construction of Normality The Question of Human Being in the Age of Cloning Foucault’s Theory of Violence and Power Represented in Modern Educational Institutions The Language that Shapes our Minds: Husserl’s Perspective Heidegger’s Theory of Time and Construction of Identity Derrida’s Theory of Deconstruction Applied to Gender Binaries History Dissertation Topics Diplomatic Strategies and Failures During the Hundred Years’ War Economical, Social and Political Causes and Result of the Great Depression Suffragette Movements in the UK Development and Raise of Informational Wars Computer Programming in Modern Archeology Development of Weapon Industry During the Cold War Role of Female Workers During the Industrial Revolution Raise of Anglican Church and Economical Reasons Behind it Political and Economic Reasons for Britain’s Participation in WWI Philosophical Context of French Revolution Law Dissertation Topics (Interesting Legal Topics) Master’s thesis in Law can deal with both historical research and contemporary studies. It is crucial to find a relevant topic that deals with social and economic issues that can be explored. It is not only a theoretical study, but it can also become a base for some legislative changes in the future. Here are exciting Law dissertation ideas. Family Law Dissertation Topics Legislative Changes Regarding Parental Relocation with a Child Social and Economic Benefits of Same-Sex Marriage Legalization Legislative Perspective on Male Survivors of Family Violence Legal Issue of Child Labor in the Third World Countries Separation and Division of the Financial Assets Legalization of Assisted Suicide for Terminal Patients How Gender Roles and Stereotypes Influence Divorce Process Marriage without Consent and Legislative Changes to Prevent it Legislative Line Between Child Abuse and Punishing Change in Custody Cases Resolution in The Last Decade Public Law Dissertation Topics Legislative Measures Regarding Privacy on the Internet The Line between Private Information and Freedom of Speech in the Digital Media Article 13 and Copyright Law: Major Aspects and Consequences The Rise of Cyber Crimes and Punishments Understanding the Right to Vote for Prisoners How the Legal System Can Prevent Domestic Violence Race Discrimination in Modern Law System Legal Issue of Online Data Collection and How it Should be Monitored The Ambiguity of Legal System when it Comes to Political Figures The Second Amendment’s Impact on the Raise of Gun Violence in the USA International Law Dissertation Topics Legislation of Refugees and their Immigration The USA Presence in Syria: Providing Justice or Violating Law? Principals Behind the Formulation of International Criminal Law The Problems Regarding Enforcing International Law in the Third World Countries The Piracy Law and National Approaches to International Legislative Norm Net-neutrality Should Become a Subject of International Law The Efficiency of International Tribunals Regarding War Crimes Importance of Precedent in International Human Rights Court Hearings Correlation Between Civil Liberty and Public Safety in International Legislation Forecasting the Future of Digital and Internet Legislation Natural Science It is one of the most important science branches when it comes to understanding the world around us. It might seem that a lot of topics have been already explored; however, there are so many phenomena to study yet. Here are some amazing ideas you can use in your research. Biology Thesis Topics How Human Cloning Can Contribute to Medicine and Science DNA technologies To Reduce Aging Ethics and Legislation Between Transplantation of Organs Hormonal Therapy in Treating Depression Genetic Modifications in Plants and Their Influence on the Human Immune System Correlation Between Fast Food Production and Extinction of Forests Positive Impact of Music Therapy for Patients with Brain Injuries The Influence of Gut Bacteria on Depression Exploring the Impact of Veganism on Meat Production Modern Technology that Contributes to Biology science Research Topics in Chemistry The Future of Synthetic Chemistry Development of Bio-Chemistry and Mental Health Issues New Sustainable Materials to Reduce Environment Pollution Polymer Chemistry and Its Impact on the State of Science Effects of Pesticides Use on a Quality of Water The Case of Generic Medicines and Their Formulas Nanotechnology in Modern Chemistry How the Beauty Industry Contributes to Corporate Chemical Studies Organic Electronics: Use of Carbon-Based Semiconducting Materials How to Fight Mercury Contamination in Environment Physics Dissertation Topics Susskind’s Theory of Cosmic Landscape Applied to Recent Findings on Black Holes Alternative Energy Sources in Modern Economy Fundamentals of Space Travel Nonlinear Beam Technologies and Their Advantages The Concept of Uncertainty in Quantum Physics Based on Particle-Wave Duality Modern Perception of Quantum Information Theory Contemporary Methods of Particles Mapping in Quantum Systems Hawking Contribution to Black Holes Theory Discovering the Asymmetry of the Universe: Matter vs Antimatter Nanotechnology use in Spin-Physics Ecology Dissertation Ideas How Public Transport is Better to Environment than Private One New Biodegrading Technologies to Reduce Pollution Non-human Reasons of Species Extinction Importance of Public Ecology Education in Reduction of Human Pollution How Tourism Destroys the Planet’s Best Places The Contribution of Beaver Dams to Fish Diversity International Changes in Fighting Against Animal Testing The Impact of Nuclear Disasters on Flora and Fauna (Fukushima, Chernobyl) Media Representation of Sharks and Its Influence on Shark Hunting Discovery of New Species: Can We Expect More? Astronomy Dissertation Topics First Black Hole Picture Received and New Issues Arisen Possibilities and Benefits of Mars Colonization The Complex Case of Pluto’s Identification Dark Matter and Dark Matter Clusters Modern Technology in Black Hole Mass Measurement Future Colonization: Looking for Exoplanets Exploring the Dark Energy in the Space Nearby Galaxies and Young Stellar Clusters String Theory and Black Holes The Issue of Human Pollution of Near-Earth Space Social Science Social science combines a great number of different fields dealing with social and psychological issues. It is a highly-developing field of knowledge that requires a lot of explorations. Here are some hot topics in this regard. Psychology Dissertation Topics Correlation Between Neurotic Fear, Expectation, Disappointment, and Pain Parents Divorce Effects on Early Child’s Development Integration of Play-Based Therapy Into Child Patient Suffering from Trauma Means of Non-verbal Communication Among Young Children Psychological Treatment of Parents of a Child on Autism Spectrum Depression and its Impact on Academic Performance Among Students Surviving Narcissistic Abuse Workplace Roles and Behavioral Patterns How Constant Information Flow Affects Human Memory Animal Therapy for Patients with PTSD Geography Dissertation Topics Tectonic Theory and Forecasting of Earthquakes Reasons, Risk Factors and Preventive Measure Of Seasonal Forest Fires The Significance of Coral Riffs for Ecosystem Applying Continental Drift Theory on Modern Geography How geographical Location Influences Human Mentality Reasons for Coastal Erosion and Means of Prevention Urban Landscape and Its Change in Recent Years Causes and Effects of Mountain Degeneration Forecasting Volcanoes’ Explosion with Modern Technology Gentrification, Modern State and Main Issues Political Science Dissertation Topics The Role of Media in the Election Process How Social Networks are Used for Political Propaganda Advantages and Disadvantages of Democratic Governance Contemporary Totalitarian Regimes The Impact of 9/11 in New Policies Against Terrorism Marketing Strategies Used in Political Campaigns Glass Ceiling for Female Politics: What Has Changed in the Last Decade? Middle East Politic Tradition and its Connection to Religion Strategies to Creation of Politically Aware Society Political Reasons Behind Gender Inequality Social Work Dissertation Topics The Significance of Social Work in Helping Domestic Violence Victims Activist Strategies in Helping Homeless Social Worker’s Role in Assisted Suicide Practice How Mentoring Influences Social Work Governmental Involvement in Social Work Social Work in Regard to Substance Abuse Among Young Adults Issues of Social Worker’s Personal Safety Psychological Help to Social Workers in Preventing Burn Outs Necessary Skills in Conflict Resolution Youth Activism and Social Work Sociology Dissertation Topics Economical Results of Population’s Aging Social Context of Domestic Violence Against Children Reasons Contributing to Racial Inequality in Higher Education The Role of Religion in Gender Separation on Third World Countries New Ways of Communication and their Social Significance Contraction of One’s Identity in Urban Landscape Foucault’s Critique of Social Institutions Subculture’s Phenomenon and Its Impact on Society Social Context of Increased Number of Serial Killer Cases The Role of Alcohol Abuse in Crime Conduction Use these tips and ideas to formulate your own unique research subject whether it is one of the education dissertations topics or physics research topics. The subject should be exciting for you and have scientific relevance. It is also important to consider whether it is possible for you in terms of conditions and measurements to explore it.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Martha Corey Essays

Martha Corey Essays Martha Corey Paper Martha Corey Paper Friday March 11, 1692, during the day the communitys minister, the Rev. Samuel Parris asked the girls to reveal another witch. They did, and what they said shocked everyone who heard it for it was Martha Corey a new but upstanding member of the congregation. However, she had never shown support for the witch trials, since she did not believe witches existed. Immediately they sent out to the Corey farm to interview the accused in the hope of clearing up this discrepancy. When she was asked, Martha Corey had a sarcastic response to what the girls said. This sarcastic remark disheartened the delegation who immediately called for her arrest. Her trial was the scene of much tension. In the courtroom Marthas accusers screamed in agony as they were forced by an unseen power to mimic the witchs (Martha Corey) every movement. What ever Martha Corey did the girls did also. When Martha moved her feet the girls did also, when Martha bit her lip the girls were compelled to bit their own lips, crying out in pain. This was enough evdience to persuade the jury of her guilt. She denied all that was charged upon her, and said they could not prove her a witch. She was that afternoon committed to Salem prison. She was hanged on September 22, 1692. In March the girls accused Martha Corey. The three women previously denounced as witches were trivial to the public. Martha Corey was different; she was an upstanding member of the Puritan congregation her exposure as a witch demonstrated that Satans influence reached to the very core of the community. Events snowballed as the harsh atmosphere got worse and reached the peak. During the time from March into the fall many were charged, examined, tried and put to death. The hangings started in June with the death of Bridget Bishop and continued through September. As winter approached, the panic played itself out as criticism of the procedures grew. In October, the colonial governor dissolved the local Court of question. The convictions and condemnations for witchery stopped. Nineteen victims of the witch-hunt had been hanged, one crushed to death under the weight of stones, which was Martha Corey’s husband Giles Corey. He refused to undergo a trial and was executed by pressing, a slow crushing death under a pile of stones. When the sheriff asked how he would plead, he responded by asking for more weight. He died on September 19, 1692, three days before his wife Martha was hanged. At least four died in prison awaiting trial. The research that was found portrayed the fictional version on â€Å"The Crucible† and the actuall events to be close to the same if not the exact same that was portrayed in the novel and I the movie. Martha Corey was acussed by the girls of being a witch in real life, just as in the movie â€Å"The Crucible†. There were not any mayjor differences from the book and the actual events. Miller did a good job with â€Å"The Crucible† in making Martha Corey story almost exactly what happened in real life. Sources: Lawson, Deodat, A Brief and True Narrative of Some Remarkable Passages Relating to Sundry Persons Afflicted by Witchcraft at Salem Village(1692) [reprinted in Commager, Henry Steele, The Heritage of America (1949)] The Salem Witch Trials, 1692, EyeWitness to History, www. eyewitnesstohistory. com (2000).

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Diabetic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Diabetic - Essay Example Social support is getting support from friends and family who give assistance and comfort. Having the social support can improve the psychological well being of the patient (Schwartz, 2000). The relationship that exists among social support life stress, patient’s locus of control and the blood glucose control become evaluated in individuals with diabetes mellitus, using the objectives measures of the psychosocial variables. Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) and Glycosylated Hemoglobin (Hgb A-1C) control measures become taken at two regions for them to check the problems of the psychosocial variables on the change in diabetes control. A decrease in the social support leads to the worsening of the long term glycosylated hemoglobin control over time (Hellier, 2009). According to medics, diabetes is a progressive disease that surfaces as impaired glucose intolerance with a high level post meal glucose. These high glucose levels increasingly demand the pancreas to secrete additional insulin leading to a state of hyperinsulinemia. Nevertheless, the body gets resistant to insulin, and it later develops lack of insulin and high fasting glucose levels. This pattern represents Type 2 diabetes. The eventual exhaustion of the islet cells leads to the absolute lack of insulin presenting type 1 diabetes. To patients suffering from diabetes is quite a frightening experience, and the patients require all the physical and emotional support they can receive from their loved ones (Schwartz, 2000). The patients suffering from diabetes often complain of anxiety and fear about the future, experience fluctuations in their moods and find it difficult to cope with their daily lives. They also get tired at times. Depression is another common and dangerous complication witnessed by the people suffering from diabetes. The diabetics with depression posses a high rate of recurrent episodes of depressions in the preceding five years. Depressed persons do not have the motivation to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

M6 discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

M6 discussion - Assignment Example equired (examining whole population will take much more time than a sample), budget is limited (cost of examining few individuals will be low as compared to whole population), or sensitive information (such as sexual harassment in a large organization) is examined. A population proportion may be appropriate to use when population is small, required sample size is close to population, database already exists (if the data are on disk, we can examine 100% of the cases), or there is a legal requirement (The 2010 decennial population census). The large sample confidence interval is a range (or an interval) of values used to estimate the population characteristic. The interval is estimated using sample data. A confidence interval is associated with a confidence level (such as 95% or 99%) that gives us the success rate of the procedure used to construct the confidence interval. The confidence level is the probability that the confidence interval actually does contain the population characteristic, assuming that the estimation process is repeated large number of times. A large sample confidence interval can be constructed for a single proportion or for a difference in proportions. The large sample confidence interval can be used for making inference from the biological experiments. For example, suppose we take a sample of seeds for any given plant and count the number of germinated seeds. Now, from this sample proportion, we can give an estimate of population proportion for the number of seeds that will be germinated by using the large sample confidence interval for a single proportion

Monday, November 18, 2019

Issues Faced by Operations Managers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Issues Faced by Operations Managers - Essay Example Shortage of funds in financial market can create a problem for managers because supply of money in company leads to different financial activities. Continuous supply is very important for any company to operate. Managers also need to know that what their competitors are doing in the industry. They can't ignore competition around them in this dynamic world. Managers need to be informed that what they are doing in terms of Product development, Pricing, Marketing strategies and many more things. Any type of activity that the competitors do can create lots of problem for the managers. Every organization has an aim to be Global. Managers need to face many difficult situations when they are in foreign countries. They need to tackle certain factors for success when they are abroad. That includes Legal/Political Environment, Economic Environment and Cultural Environment. While going Global managers need to understand the Political and Legal uncertainties in the country they are doing their business. They should be aware of the Specific Legal laws of that country because if they don't know the Legal procedures of that country it can create many problems for them. Many countries have a history of unstable governments therefore managers face dramatically greater uncertainty as a result of political instability. For example the goal of one government is to nationalize the important sectors of the country where as the goal of the other government is to have free enterprises to promote free market economy. Economic environment can also affect manager's decision. The three most important factors in affecting manager decision are Fluctuating currency exchange rates, Inflation Rate and Tax policies. If the country has a high inflation rate in which they are operating can result in high productivity cost which can ultimately decrease their profits. Tax policies are the most concerning for managers. If tax policies are restrictive managers can face challenging situations. Managers need exact information of tax rules so that they can overcome with all the tax obligations.Managers also need to understand the culture of the country in which they are operating. Different countries have different cultures and managers must know they difference of each culture. This is very important factor for managers to take care of, because if they fail to understand the cultural values of that country they can't serve their products and services to the people of that country. For example if a company who is manufacturing Alcohol and is operating in USA and then they open a branch of their company in Saudia Arabia, But as Saudia Arabia is an Islamic State they can't sell the Alcohol in that country because they cultural and religious values doesn't allow them to drink, that can create huge problem for the managers of that company. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Today's organizations are moving towards social responsibility. Managers have to be careful while going for socially responsible because being socially responsi

Friday, November 15, 2019

Cardiology Studies: Conditions Involved and Services Offered

Cardiology Studies: Conditions Involved and Services Offered 1. The area of medicine it studies  [i] Cardiology derived from Greek and Latin. Kardia in Greek means the heart and logia also from Greek stands for logy or study. Branch of medicine dealing with diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart, aorta and smaller blood vessels), their diagnosis and treatment. 2. Title of consultants in this field Cardiology department is run by Cardiologists which is divided into cardiac sections and various cardiac consultants including Heart surgeons, Cardiologist Electrophysiologist, Cardiothoracic [surgical treatment of thorax (the chest) of the heart (heart disease) and lungs (lung disease)]. surgeons and Cardiovascular (diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels) Imaging Consultants.   Ã‚   3. Services offered in the Cardiology department. Cardiology department is divided into various other sub departments which fall under Cardiology category: Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory  [ii] (Cath Lab): there are many procedures carried out in the Cath Lab some of which may be; Coronary Catheterization, Coronary (relating to arteries surrounding and supplying the heart) Angioplasty (opens blocked arteries and restores normal blood flow to heart muscle), Permanent and Temporary Pacemaker Implantations and many more. Coronary Care Unit  [iii] (CCU) care of patients with heart attacks, unstable angina, cardiac dysrhythmia (abnormality in heart rhythm) etc. Chest Pain Assessment Unit  [iv] is to assess and treat patients with life-threatening heart conditions, chest pain, heart attacks, shortness of breath, palpitations etc. Cardiac Rehabilitation  [v] is a program for people who are on their way of recovery from a heart attack, heart failure, heart valve surgery, etc. the program involves adopting heart-healthy lifestyle changes, exercise training, and help you return to an active life. Cardiology Outpatients examines and treats patients without keeping overnight. 4. Surgical procedures and diagnostic tests used in the Cardiology department.  [vi] Coronary Angiogram (x-ray photo of blood and lymph vessels) is carried out in the Cath Lab it is an invasive imaging procedure, used to; evaluate the presence of disease in the coronary arteries, valves or aorta and heart muscle function. Also to determine the need for further treatment. Permanent Pacemaker (PPM) Insertion is an invasive procedure used to stabilise the heart rhythm. An incision is made on the left side of the chest under the clavicle, following local anaesthetic, the leads and pacemaker are inserted. Catheter Ablation invasive procedure used to treat an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia). Several catheters are inserted into the patients groin, neck or arm and guided with the aid of x-ray equipment to the heart. Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (high energy shock to bring back heart action) (ICD) it is an invasive procedure used to stabilise the heart rhythm. An incision is made on the left side of the chest after local anaesthetic and the ICD leads and device box are inserted. Using x-ray guidance, the leads are fixed into position. Coronary Angioplasty used to widen narrowed coronary arteries. Opening up the arteries improves blood flow to the heart and may improve symptoms. A catheter with a small balloon at the tip is guided through a blood vessel into the heart artery. The balloon is inflated at the site of the narrowed artery, widening its diameter (balloon angioplasty). 5. Medical conditions encountered in the Cardiology department.  [vii] Most common heart conditions are: Coronary thrombosis: a blood clot in the coronary artery. Cardiac arrhythmia: Abnormal electrical activity in the heart, the heart beat may be too fast or too slow, it can be regular or irregular. Cardiac failure: the heart impairs its ability to supply sufficient blood flow to meet the bodys needs. Palpitations: abnormal awareness of the beating of the heart; whether it is too slow, too fast, irregular or at its normal frequency. 6. Common abbreviations relating to Cardiology MRI Magnetic resonance imaging CT Computed tomography (X-Ray) ECG Electrocardiogram (or EKG) VF Ventricle failure CHD Coronary heart disease 7. Common blood tests used in diagnosing heart disease. Cardiac biomarkers: these tests are used to diagnose a heart attack by determining if heart cells have been damaged.  [viii] Lipid blood tests: checks levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, which are associated with the risk of heart disease.  [ix] Question 1 Endo Endoscopy used to examine a persons digestive tract Question 2 Norovirus winter vomiting bug side effects; nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhoea, abdominal pain Question 3-5 Term Explanation Gingivitis Inflammation of gums Gingiv= gums Itis= inflammation Endocarditis Infection of the inner lining of the heart Endo= inner lining of Card= the heart It is= inflammation Atherosclerosis Narrowing and hardening of arteries Athero= artery Scler=hardening Osis= condition of the Question 6-8 Term Explanation Relates to Cystitis Inflammation of bladder Urinary system Uraemia Blood in the urine Urinary system Enteritis Inflammation of gastrointestinal tract Digestive system Question 9-11 Term Department Consultant Disorder of hormones Endocrinology Endocrinologist Disorders of the digestive system Gastroenterology Gastroenterologist Disorders of the skin Dermatology Dermatologist Question 12-17 HCV Hepatitis C virus HIV Human immunodeficiency virus PUD Peptic ulcer disease IVF In-vitro fertilisation MRSA Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus C. Diff Clostridium Difficile Question 18-20 Term Suffixes Examples Inflammation Itis Conjunctivitis Cystitis Bone Osteo/Ortho Osteoporosis Rheumatoid Arthritis Tumour Oma Malignant melanoma Squamous cell carcinoma References [i] [ii] [iii] [iv] [v] [vi] [vii] An introductory to Anatomy Physiology, 4th Edition, reprinted in November 2012, written by Louise Tucker. Chapter 5 The Cardiovascular System page. 85 [viii] [ix] Good Will Hunting: Sean Maguire Good Will Hunting: Sean Maguire Melissa Hernandez This case is about, Sean Maguire, a character in Good Will Hunting. Mr. Maguire is a 56-year-old Caucasian psychologist and therapist male. He teaches different types of psychology classes at Bunker Hill Community College in Boston. He was married to, Nancy Maguire for eighteen years before he lost her to cancer. They have never had any children. After his wife passed away, Mr. Maguire withdrew himself from friends and family. He is also a Vietnam Veteran. He continues to teach at the college because he wants to be surrounded by the people he is familiar with, people he grew up with. This case study will cover Mr. Maguires transition being secluded from friends into his turning point when he starts to make amends with his friends. Life Course Perspective The life course perspective (LCP) looks at how biological, psychological, and social factors act independently, cumulatively, and interactively to shape peoples lives from conception to death, and across generations. Of course, time is only one dimension of human behavior . . . (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 7). The LCP has five basic concepts; cohorts, transitions, trajectories, life events, and turning points (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 11). Cohort A cohort is a group of persons who were born during the same time and who experience social changes within a given culture in the same sequence and at the same age (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 11).   Sean Maguire belongs to the Caucasian, team of professors cohort. All of Mr. Maguires friends are professors who have gone on to do more with their lives. During the period Mr. Maguires wife was sick he quit counseling and he regretted it. After her death, he secluded himself from his friends. Mr. Maguires cohort were his friends from college, his colleagues, and his wife. Life Events A life event is a significant occurrence involving a relatively abrupt change that may produce serious and long lasting effects (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 15).   Mr. Maguires life events evolve around his wife from the moment he meets her until she passes. He passes up the Boston Red Sox playoff games, probably one of the most crucial playoff games during the history of baseball, to spend time with Nancy who he had just met. It was a risk worth taking because later he marries her and he states, I dont regret the 18 years I was married to Nancy. I dont regret the six years that she was sick and I gave up counseling. I dont regret later when she got really sick.   I sure as hell dont regret missing that damn game. After his wifes death, he lives an independent life. The pain he is left with after her passing became difficult to deal with. He doesnt know how to move on until he meets a young man, Will Hunting, he starts to counsel who helps change his life. Also as a child, Mr. Maguire experiences abuse from his alcoholic father who he tries protecting his mother from. He can relate to his patient Mr. Hunting. Transition A transition is a process of gradual change that usually involves acquiring or relinquishing roles, but it can be any change in status, such as change in health status (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 13).   Sean Maguire transitions into life without his wife after she dies. This life event changed Mr. Maguires environment as well as his self-concept and expectations. He is not able to move past losing his wife and watching her grow more and more ill. It hurts him knowing there was nothing he could have done for her but he is grateful he was able to spend her last months with her. This transition required Sean Maguire to make social adjustments. He stopped counseling for the duration Mrs. Maguire was sick, which he previously stated he regretted. Transitioning to life without his wife has been a challenge for Maguire. Life Course Perspective Themes There are six themes that pertain to the life course perspective; interplay of human lives and historical time, timing of lives, linked or interdependent lives, human agency in making choices, diversity in life course trajectories, and developmental risk and protection (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 20). This case study will cover linked or interdependent lives, human agency in making choices, and developmental risk and protection. Linked or Interdependent Lives The life course perspective emphasizes the interdependence of human lives and the ways in which people are reciprocally connected on several levels. (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 24). Mr. Maguire shut off communication with his college friends which left him with no social support, which is defined as help rendered by others that benefits an individual or collectively, is an obvious element of interdependent lives (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 24). The one person who was Sean Maguires family who always stood by his side through everything passed away, thus causing him to push away friends who could have supported him. Human Agency in Making Choices Constructing a life course through the exercise of human agency, or the use of personal power to achieve ones goals. (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 28).   Sean Maguire grew up with an abusive alcoholic father who would beat on him, his mother, and younger brother. He would protect his mother and sibling by taking the beatings for them. He confesses this to his client, Mr. Hunting. Growing up with an abusive father and in a low-income community, led Mr. Maguire to make goals to get out of that environment. He enlisted in the military and fought in the Vietnam war, returned home and made another goal to achieve his Doctorate degree in Psychology. Then he fell in love with, Nancy who he soon married. According to Albert Bandura, Mr. Maguire uses all three modes of efficacy; self-efficacy, efficacy expectation, and collective agency to set these goals and accomplish them. Developmental Risk and Protection As the life course perspective has continued to evolve, it has more clearly emphasize the links between the life events and transitions of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 31).   As a child Mr. Maguire experiences abuse at the hands of his father. As a young adult, he experiences difficult situations during his time served in the Vietnam war. An example of him protecting himself is when his client, Mr. Hunting criticizes his painting which is a painting done by Mr. Maguires late wife. He pushes Mr. Hunting up against the wall and proceeds to walk out of the room to gain his power back. He protects himself by pushing people away, he doesnt want to get close to anyone for fear of losing them or getting hurt. Banduras Social Learning Theory AlbertBandura proposes that humans are agentic, meaning they are capable of intentionally influencing their own functioning and life circumstances (Hucthinson, 2015, p. 28). Bandura argues that everyday life requires use of all three modes of agency. The three agencies will explain how Sean Maguire used them through his life course perspective. Personal agency Personal agency is exercised individually, using personal influence to shape environmental events or ones own behavior (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 28). Sean Maguire grew up in a low-income neighborhood with an alcoholic father who abused his mother and him. He used personal agency to get out of the neighborhood and rise up from the physical and mental abuse. He set goals to get out of his neighborhood, enlist in the U. S. Army and attend college. He did well because he earned a Ph. D. Proxy agency Proxy agency is exercised to influence others who have greater resources to act on ones behalf to meet needs and accomplish goals (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 28). Sean Maguire is a professor and psychologist who helps people resolve any conflicts they might have. In this case Mr. Maguire helps Will Hunting resolve his issues he has been dealing with since his childhood and young adult life. Mr. Hunting believes the abuse he endured as a child was his fault and was stuck in his childhood. Collective agency Collective agency is exercised on the group level when people act together to meet needs and accomplish goals (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 28). Sean Maguire and Will Hunting help each other accomplish life perspective goals together, which benefits both men. The time Mr. Maguire spent with Mr. Hunting was beneficial for both men because they opened up to each other and helped one another deal with conflicts they probably would not have otherwise dealt with. Mr. Maguire was able to reconnect with old friends and enjoy life even though his best friend is no longer alive. Mr. Hunting was able to accomplish his goal of falling in love and trusting someone, specifically a woman who he was afraid to get close to. Eriksons Theory of Psychosocial Development Eriksons theory explains socioemotional development in terms of age defined stages such as basic trust and mistrust which ranges from birth to one year old; autonomy versus shame and doubt which falls into one to three year olds; initiative versus guilt which is from three to five year olds; industry versus inferiority which has an age range of six to 11 years old; identity versus role diffusion from ages 11 to 20 years old; intimacy versus isolation which includes 21 to 40 year old adults; generativity versus stagnation which 40 to 65 year olds fall; and ego integrity versus despair which is 65 and older (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 112). Intimacy versus guilt Sean Maguire is 56 years old and finds himself dealing with intimacy and isolation. During the time his wife was sick he momentarily ceased his practice and regrets not helping clients. It was during that time that he also isolated himself from his friends and colleagues. After he became a widower Mr. Maguire further confined himself as he tried to deal with the death of his wife. He became distant from his students, who lost respect for him and he stopped communicating with his friends. He does not believe he will ever find a love like the love he experienced with his wife. Levinsons Theories of Finding Balance Daniel Levinson suggest that middle adulthood is a time when individuals attempt to find balance in their lives in several ways (Hutchinson, 2015, p. 321). Levinson sees the transition to middle adulthood attachment versus separation. Mr. Maguire deals with being attached to his wife and then losing her to cancer. He does not know how to deal with this in a positive manner. He has a huge tab at a local bar that has not been paid in months. Ethical Issues Ethical issues a social worker could possibly face could be, Sean Maguire is a psychologist who may not want to speak about his issues because he doesnt realize he has any issues to resolve. It would probably be an issue trying to convince Mr. Maguire what him and the social worker speak about is strictly between them and will be kept confidential. The social worker will not speak to her colleagues about what is discussed nor will the sessions interfere with Mr. Maguires careers. Ethical Principles The social worker may face dignity and worth of a person ethical principle when working with Mr. Maguire. Social workers treat each person in a caring and respectful fashion, mindful of individual differences and cultural and ethnic diversity. Social workers promote clients socially responsible self-determination. Social workers seek to enhance clients capacity and opportunity to change and to address their own needs. Social workers are cognizant of their dual responsibility to clients and to the broader society. They seek to resolve conflicts between clients interests and the broader societys interests in a socially responsible manner consistent with the values, ethical principles, and ethical standards of the profession (NASW, 2008) The social workers client, Mr. Maguire may not feel worthy and may feel his dignity is lost if he needs to speak about some issues that are interfering with his life. Ethical Values Dignity and worth of the person is an ethical value a social worker may deal with when working with Mr. Maguire. As stated previously, Mr. Maguire could possibly feel like his dignity is lost and his self-worth is diminished. The social worker must not allow the client to feel they have lost their dignity and make them feel they are worthy, because it is not easy to for Mr. Maguire to admit he needs help and seek it to become a healthier individual. Discrimination Sean Maguire received discrimination as a child growing up in an impoverished neighborhood. As an adult he was discriminated against because his friends think he did not anything further with his life after he earned his college degree. Oppression Sean Maguire experienced oppression at the hands of his father while growing up as a child. His father had abused him and his mother physically and psychologically. The oppression he experienced made him stronger and more willing to accomplish goals. Conclusion Sean Maguire has accomplished many goals while counseling his client, Will Hunting. He has learned how to deal with the passing of his wife in a positive way and he has reconnected with old friends who can bring him joy during this time in his life. Mr. Maguire needed someone who he could relate to and connect with who would help him come out of seclusion and experience the fulfillment of life. He is able as well to understand the abuse he endured as a child was not his to blame and he is able to nurture and love another person despite his life experiences. References Affleck, B., Damon, M., Driver, M., Elfman, D., Escoffier, J., Sant, G. V., Williams, R. (Writers). (1997). Good Will Hunting [Video file]. Hutchison, E. (2015). Life Course Perspective. In Dimensions of Human Behavior: The Changing Life Course (Fifth ed., p. 7, 11, 13, 20). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publishing. Code of Ethics (English and Spanish) National Association of Social Workers. (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2016, from Sun, X., Kim, D. O. (1999). Adaptation of 2f1-2f2 distortion product otoacoustic emission in young-adult and old CBA and C57 mice. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 105(6), 3399-3409. doi:10.1121/1.424668 Wood, R., Bandura, A. (1989). Social Cognitive Theory of Organizational Management. Academy of Management Review, 14(3), 361-384. doi:10.5465/AMR.1989.4279067 What was the Reasoning behind Medicare and Medicaid? What was the Reasoning behind Medicare and Medicaid? Early in the twentieth century, those concerned in the human condition, mostly reformers and progressives, reasoned that the American family needed protection from the debilitating effects of lost wages subsequent to the family provider becoming unable to work due to an illness or injury. Many of the social service benefits we enjoy today were rooted in what was referred to at that time as Sickness Insurance. Sickness insurance included the seeds of future programs like Social Security Retirement, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSI), Unemployment Insurance, Workmans Compensation and yes Medicare and Medicaid. Although advocates for sickness insurance included plans to cover medical expenses. They were far more concerned with families recouping losses due to lost wages than they were with recovering medical expenses. This was because medical expenses during that time period were significantly less expensive and burdensome than they are today. During the first part of the twentieth century the average person spent roughly $30.00/year and that amount included burial expenses should they be needed. As a result, the political climate in the first half of the twentieth century, accompanying opposition from the medical profession and other interest groups, defeated any successful attempt towards establishing health insurance in any form or, for that matter, developing any type of comprehensive health care strategy until the mid to late 1930s. Although the Social Security Act was passed by Congress in 1935 and physicians began organizing the first private healthcare plans like Blue Shield to cover costs of physicians care in 1939, it wasnt until the late 1950s and early 1960s before the groundwork began which eventually produced Medicare and Medicaid. The stimulus for this development was directly attributable to private insurance companies adjusting their premiums on growing employer-based health coverage on ever increasing medical costs. As a result, the retired and disabled found it progressively more difficult to find affordable coverage as costs for same quickly exceeded their means. Because of this, health reformers focused their efforts on the elderly a battle more easily won. In 1960, Federal Employees acquired a health benefit plan (FEHBP), providing health insurance coverage to federal workers. The Kerr-Mills Act was also passed that year which provided federal monetary support to state programs providing medical care to the poor and elderly. The Kerr-Mills Act was the precursor to the Medicaid program. Shortly after the Civil Rights Act passes in 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Medicare and Medicaid programs into law (1965). This legislation created Medicare Part A (covering hospital and limited skilled nursing and home health care), as well as Medicare Part B (a plan to help cover the costs of physicians services). The Medicare and Medicaid programs were incorporated into the Social Security Act as a result of support from the hospital and health insurance industries mainly because this legislation contained no cost controls or physician fee schedules along with public approval and a congress containing a progressive, democratic majority. The next ten years, 1971 1981 saw an expansion of services under the Social Security Income (SSI) program such as a cash assistance program to elderly and disabled persons along with amendments that allow those with long-term disabilities to qualify for Medicare while healthcare costs continued to skyrocket and politicians squabb led with special interest groups over proposals and reforms. The next 30 years, 1981 to 2009, was composed of a flurry of disjointed legislative attempts to both expand healthcare coverage for specific target groups while attempting to reign in the constant upward spiral of health care costs. For example: in 1986 the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active labor Act (EMTALA) required all hospital facilities that received Medicare imbursements to screen and stabilize all persons who used their emergency room facilities regardless as to the ability to pay. Then, just a few short years later in the face of the Clinton administrations proposed Health Security Act (which, in 1993, proposed access to healthcare for every American), the Health Insurance Association of America fought back with television ads depicting middle-class American families worried about access to health care under the Clinton sponsored plan. They had cause to worry. In the 10 years between 1987 and 1997 the number of uninsured grew from 31 million to over 42.4 million as ever increasing healthcare insurance costs, responding to exploding medical care costs, forced individuals and whole families out of the ranks of the insured. In 2009, the White House held its first Health Reform Summit with key stakeholders. Shortly thereafter, President Obama releases his 2010 fiscal budget which includes 8 principles of health reform (electronic record-keeping, preventing expensive conditions, reducing obesity, refocusing doctor incentives from quantity of care to quality, bundling payments for treatment of conditions rather than specific services, better identifying and communicating the most cost-effective treatments, and reducing defensive medicine), and sets aside 634 million dollars in a health reform reserve fund while Congress continues to debate national healthcare reform options (Obama, 2009). Late in 2009 both the House and the Senate pass health reform legislation. Even so, neither the Houses healthcare reform version nor the Senates are ratified by both political bodies. Then, on February 22, 2010 the White House releases President Obamas proposal for health care reform and hosts a second Healthcare summit just 3 days later.   One week later, President Obama lays out his proposal and threatens the Senate that if need be a reconciliation process that required only a majority vote rather than the normal 60 votes to pass would be used to insure passage of the bill. Less than three weeks later, on March 21, 2010 the House of Representatives passes the Senates sponsored version of the bill the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), along with the Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 that amends the original Senate version of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act reflecting negotiations between the House and Senate, and sends it to the President for signature. Two days later, President Obama signs the bill and P.L. 11-148 (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ACA), becomes law and Obamacare is born. Does the Affordable Care Act of 2010 adequately fix the majority of the healthcare problems we face as a nation today? Or should the responsibility of individual health be on the individual? In the words of Phil Schiliro, former Director of White House Legislative Affairs The right measure of the ACA isnt whether it avoids political controversy; its whether it makes America better by achieving its five most fundamental goals: expanding health-insurance coverage, lowering costs and promoting fiscal responsibility, increasing quality through innovation, protecting seniors and delivering peace of mind to American families by guaranteeing essential rightsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. With these goals in place, individuals can concentrate on lifestyles that promote health rather than worrying about getting help when efforts in this regard fail expectations. References Timeline: History of Health Reform in the U.S. A Brief History of Workers Compensation, Gregory P Guyton, Department of Orthopedics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; Copyright  © 1999, The Iowa Orthopedic Journal Medicare and Medicaid: The Past as Prologue, Edward Berkowitz, Health Care Financing Review/Spring 2008/Volume 29, Number 3 Health is ultimately the responsibility of the individual: to what extent is this viewpoint correct? rodrigo | November 13, 2012 The WritePass Journal Who is Responsible for Your Health? Sarah Lifsey, May 14, 2015, Altarum Institute (2015, May 8). Is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Good for America? Retrieved from Remarks by the President to the AMA (June 15, 2009). Retrieved January 12, 2012.