Monday, December 30, 2019

Treaty of Portsmouth

The Treaty of Portsmouth was a peace agreement signed on September 5, 1905, at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine, United States, which officially ended the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 – 1905. U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in brokering the pact. Fast Facts: Treaty of Portsmouth The Treaty of Portsmouth was a peace agreement between Russia and Japan, brokered by the United States. It put an end to the Russo-Japanese War, fought from February 8, 1904 to September 5, 1905, when the treaty was signed.Negotiations focused on three key issues: access to Manchurian and Korean ports, control of Sakhalin Island, and payment of the financial costs of the war.The Treaty of Portsmouth led to nearly 30 years of peace between Japan and Russia, and earned President Roosevelt the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. The Russo-Japanese War The Russo-Japanese War of 1904 – 1905 was fought between the Empire of Russia, a modernized world military power, and the Empire of Japan, a largely agrarian nation just starting to develop its industrial sector. Since the end of the First Sino-Japanese War in 1895, both Russia and Japan had clashed over their competing imperialistic ambitions in areas of Manchuria and Korea. By 1904, Russia controlled Port Arthur, a strategically important warm water seaport on the southern tip of Manchuria’s Liaodong Peninsula. After Russia helped put down an attempted Japanese coup in adjacent Korea, war between the two nations seemed inevitable. On February 8, 1904, the Japanese attacked the Russian fleet harbored at Port Arthur before sending a declaration of war to Moscow. The surprise nature of the attack helped Japan gain an early victory. Over the next year, Japanese forces won important victories in Korea and the Sea of Japan. However, casualties were high on both sides. In the bloody Battle of Mukden alone, some 60,000 Russian and 41,000 Japanese soldiers were killed. By 1905, the human and financial costs of war led both countries to seek peace. Terms of the Treaty of Portsmouth Japan asked U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt to act as the intermediary to negotiating a peace agreement with Russia. Hoping to maintain an equal balance of power and economic opportunity in the region, Roosevelt desired a pact that would allow both Japan and Russia to maintain their influence in East Asia. Though he had publicly supported Japan at the start of the war, Roosevelt feared that America’s interests in the region could suffer if Russia was driven out completely. Russian and Japanese diplomats seated at the negotiating table during the Portsmouth Peace Conference. Buyenlarge / Getty Images Negotiations focused on three key issues: access to Manchurian and Korean ports, control of Sakhalin Island, and payment of the financial costs of the war. Japan’s priorities were: the division of control in Korea and South Manchuria, the sharing of war costs, and control of Sakhalin. Russia demanded continued control of Sakhalin Island, flatly refused to reimburse Japan for its war costs, and sought to maintain its Pacific fleet. Payment of war costs turned out to be the most difficult negotiation point. In fact, the war had so badly depleted Russia’s finances, it would have probably been unable to pay any war costs even if required to do so by the treaty. Delegates agreed to declare an immediate cease-fire. Russia recognized Japan’s claim to Korea and agreed to withdraw its forces from Manchuria. Russia also agreed to return its lease of Port Arthur in southern Manchuria to China and give up its railroad and mining concessions in southern Manchuria to Japan. Russia retained control of the Chinese Eastern Railway in northern Manchuria. When negotiations stalled over control of Sakhalin and payment of war debts, President Roosevelt suggested that Russia â€Å"buy back† the northern half of Sakhalin from Japan. Russia flatly refused to pay money its people might see as an indemnity for territory their soldiers had paid for with their lives. After a lengthy debate, Japan agreed to drop all of its claims for reparations in return for the southern half of Sakhalin Island. Historical Significance The Treaty of Portsmouth led to nearly 30 years of peace between Japan and Russia. Japan emerged as the main power in East Asia, as Russia was forced to drop its imperialistic aspirations in the region. However, the agreement did not sit well with the people of either country. Postcard shows the building at the Portsmouth Navy Yard where the peace talks were held, the Hotel Wentworth, and flags of Japan and Russia, all superimposed on an American flag. Buyenlarge / Getty Images The Japanese people considered themselves the victors and saw the refusal of war reparations as an act of disrespect. Protests and riots broke out in Tokyo when the terms were announced. At the same time, being forced to give up half of Sakhalin Island angered the Russian people. However, neither the average Japanese nor Russian citizen was aware of how badly the war had damaged the economies of their respective countries. During the war and the peace talks, the American people generally felt Japan was fighting a â€Å"just war† against Russian aggression in East Asia. Viewing Japan as being fully committed to the U.S. Open Door policy of preserving the territorial integrity of China, Americans were anxious to support it. However, the negative, sometimes anti-American reaction to the treaty in Japan surprised and angered many Americans. Indeed, the Treaty of Portsmouth marked the last meaningful period of U.S.-Japanese cooperation until the post-World War II reconstruction of Japan in 1945. At the same time, however, relations between Japan and Russia warmed as a result of the treaty. While he never actually attended the peace talks, and the actual extent of his influence on leaders in Tokyo and Moscow remained unclear, President Roosevelt was widely praised for his efforts. In 1906, he became the first of three sitting U.S. presidents to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Sources and Further Reference â€Å"The Treaty of Portsmouth and the Russo-Japanese War, 1904–1905.† U.S. Department of State. Office of the Historian Kowner, Rotem. â€Å"Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War.† The Scarecrow Press, Inc. (2006). â€Å"Text of Treaty; Signed by the Emperor of Japan and Czar of Russia.† The New York Times. October 17, 1905. â€Å"Partial record of Privy Council meeting to ratify the treaty.† National Archives of Japan. Figes, Orlando. â€Å"From Tsar to U.S.S.R.: Russias Chaotic Year of Revolution.† National Geographic.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Did Women and Men Benefit Equally from the Renaissance

ISSUE 11. Did Women and Men Benefit Equally From the Renaissance? YES: Margaret L. King, from Women of the Renaissance NO: Joan Kelly-Gadol, from Did Women Have a Renaissance? in Renate Bridenthal, Claudia Koonz, and Susan Stuard, eds., Becoming Visible: Women in European History, 2d ed. ISSUE 1. Did Homo Sapiens Originate in Africa? YES: Christopher Stringer and Robin McKie, from African Exodus: The Origins of Modern Humanity NO: Milford Wolpoff and Rachel Caspari, from Race and Human Evolution Science researcher Christopher Stringer and science writer Robin McKie state that modern humans first developed in Africa and then spread to other parts of the world.†¦show more content†¦Professor of religious studies Karen Armstrong finds in the early Christian Church examples of hostility toward women and fear of their sexual power, which she contends led to the eventual exclusion of women from full participation in a male-dominated church. PART 2. The Medieval/Renaissance Worlds ISSUE 7. Did Same-Sex Unions Exist in Medieval Europe? YES: John Boswell, from Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe NO: Philip Lyndon Reynolds, from Same-Sex Unions: What Boswell Didnt Find, The Christian Century Professor John Boswell (1947-1994) states that same-sex unions, which dated back to pagan times, existed in medieval Europe until they were gradually done away with by the Christian Church. Reviewer Philip Lyndon Reynolds, while admitting that brotherhood ceremonies took place in the prescribed period, asserts that these ceremonies did not have the same authority as sacred unions and therefore cannot be equated with marriage rites. ISSUE 8. Were Environmental Factors Responsible for the Collapse of Maya Civilization? YES: Richard E. W. Adams, from Prehistoric Mesoamerica, rev. ed. NO: George L. Cowgill, from Teotihuacan, Internal Militaristic Competition, and the Fall of the Classic Maya, in Norman Hammond and Gordon R. Willey, eds., Maya Archaeology and Ethnohistory Professor of anthropology Richard E. W. Adams argues that althoughShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Gender During The Renaissance Period1466 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Renaissance period, which took place between 1300-1700. The term Renaissance stands for ‘rebirth’, and in this context refers to the increased interest that was taken in learning from Greek and Roman classical writing. Recent exploration by historians into the Renaissance period has seen a fixation on the discussion of the role of gender during the Renaissance. A variety of historians, such as Joan Kelly and Merry E. Weisner, believe that women didn’t experience any form of a Renaissance duringRead MoreElizabeth Woodville And Anne Boleyn1747 Words   |  7 PagesWomen throughout history rarely receive attention for more than superficial causes: their influence on style, manners, or less. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Free Essays

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas â€Å"Explain how characters transition from headstrong and quirky in the beginning to something that resembles shell-shocked soldiers† Raul Duke and the Attorney also known as the main characters of the novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas transition from headstrong and quirky characters to something that appears to be shell-shocked soldiers. The American Dream, a very common theme for every American, everyone wants to live it but few actually know what it is. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is the American Dream put in action as Hunter S. We will write a custom essay sample on Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thompson puts to the test his standard practice of living in excess and acting strangely enough to evade detection, with the attitude of someone who belongs where he is. Hunter S. Thompson manages to create a journalistic discovery that outlines the changes of an American legend. The characters transitioning from headstrong and quirky in the beginning to something that resembles shell-shocked soldiers, these descriptions apply to both the characters, Raul Duke and his Samoan attorney who is never named, and the supporting characters, hotel bellhops and other static characters. Old elephants limp off to the hills to die; old Americans go out to the high way and drive themselves to death with huge cars†(18). This shows a perfect blend of aggressive journalism gone awry combined with great American willpower and ingenuity and is a landmark in the world of â€Å"counterculture† writing. At the beginning of the novel both Raul Duke and the attorney showed head strong and quir ky qualities. As your attorney†, that’s how the attorney always presented himself in front of people shows a very positive and headstrong personality because he isn’t afraid of showing who he is and it also represents how he loves his job since he always wanted to be referred as to the attorney. Another scene that shows both the attorney and Dr. Thompson upbeat personalities is their ride with the shark to Las Vegas. Off course they were high throughout the whole drive. That is also a reason why they felt so headstrong because it is believed that drugs made them feel more powerful. We are going to rip his lungs out! † said the attorney during the ride to Las Vegas. Also them getting the shark was one of the moments that got them so pumped up. Then there is a change in personality were both characters resemble shell-shocked soldiers. I believe these changes of transition originate from the drugs and their effects and that provokes them to become bipolar. One of the scenes that show this transition is the Vietnam flash and the hotel scene while Dr. Thompson and the attorney are in the elevator and the attorney becomes overly aggressive. This transition happens after their usage of drugs and alcohol and it is influenced by Hunter S. Thompson and his persona. The influence of Dr. Thompson’s novel he has had on American culture is almost countless. Every American writer with any sense of politics and social morality reads and looks up to the good doctor. Fear and Loathing marks a turning point in his style. The strange and often twisted mindset of these people creates, for the average readers, what seems like an alternate reality, a world which they have never before witnessed. Duke and his attorney seem like characters in some perverse drama although they are in fact, actual people. This is the effect the â€Å"sub culture† that is the subject matter. The reader can identify with the ordinary people in the novel such as hitchhiker, these people do not understand the rhyme or reason of the actions taken by the end of the book the reader, at least, has gleaned some sort of comprehension of this secret and sometimes frightening world of drug people. You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug especially when its waving a razor-sharp knife un your eyes†. This transition from headstrong and quirky to shell-shocked soldiers all occurs from the use of drugs and its effects. Thus, Hunter S. Thompson created these characters and their personalities as a representation of himself even though they are realistic people. How to cite Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

process of specified project management

Question: Discuss about the Processes for Managing Change to the Project ? Answer: Introduction Change management is a process of specified project management perspective that offers survival policies from any new set of technical or informational specification within many particular organizations or within any specified project (Adeniji et al., 2013). Change management process is helpful in solving various issues and circumstances involved within system architectuco of any concerned projects or organization. Every organization and project has different change management perspectives with respect to their achievable goals and objectives. In contrast with these facts, this report is elaborating about the importance of change management process involved within any organization or within any specified project. In addition to this, this report is considering California State University as selected organization within this report (Brighthub Project Management, 2017). Supportive literature review and organizational context of the selected organization are being elaborated within this report in order to highlight the importance of change management practices within the concerned organization. Organizational Context California State University is one of the popular public universities of California. This university owns 23 campuses as well as eight off- campuses enrolled with 460,200 students with 24,405 faculties and 23,102 staffs within it (Brighthub Project Management, 2017). CSU is considered as largest four year public university system. In contrast with these facts, any IT system-architectural or informative changes that is made within the network, needs to be circulated among all of these members of the university. Therefore, previously the organization has one manual ITSM structure that operates their various information and these are circulated within the members and houses involved within the campus. This entire process was difficult; therefore, one automotive change management system with respect to ITSM has been implemented within the network of the organization. This change management strategy was considered for managing the system architecture within the organization. California St ate University faced so many issues while operating with this manual ITSM system architecture within their organization (Brighthub Project Management, 2017). Their target is to implement and improvise their information system and network architecture with respect to their internal and organizational demands. The change management perspective is involved and introduced within the organization for managing system effectiveness. Models, frameworks and processes for how change is brought about or experienced in projects According to Serra and Kunc (2015), the benefits realization management process involved within project success and is dependent on the business strategies and processes adopted by the projects. In contrast with this fact, this article is focusing on the change of strategies that are managing the organizational development and further progress with respect various critical aspects and facts. This article is considering the quantitative approach of research methodology for supporting views related to impact of change management process within any organizational context. Sampling technique (Filling the Value Gap) is used for managing the supportive statements. This article is mainly reflecting about the need of realization management and its influence on the project success. According to Hornstein (2015), the organizational change management within information technology and business transformation projects is important for change management perspective. In contrast with these facts, there are consequences are being elaborated within this article with respect to stand alone projects that focuses on change of infrastructure and organizational strategies involved within any Information Technology concepts. This paper is not concentrating on any particular methodology for analyzing their research processes. This article is mainly reflecting on the how projects are impacted by the organizational change management processes involved within any organization. The change management concept is justified for this project concept as there are chances of organizational improvements. According to Santos and Quilliam (2015), the usages of software in managing the changes involved within the organizational processes and development perspectives is mandatory for organizational development. In addition to this, the change management processes are considered with respect to software packages and its utilization within the organization. This utilization of software packages in organizations also controls changes and risks. The research method considered within this article is qualitative though there are no elaborations about this; this is identified while critically evaluating the paper. The aims and objectives of this paper is justified as this paper is elaborating process that can replace the exact change management process for managing organizational development. According to Low et al. (2015), the utilization of change in staff care practices for improving resident outcomes within nursing homes important for managing resident outcomes. In contrast with this fact, this article is highlighting various issues and justification for adopting Change in Staff Care Practices for improving the resident outcomes. This article is considering qualitative analysis for assessing the staffs behavior and attitude towards changing the Resident Outcomes. This article is reflecting the process of managing the employee behavior for assessing the need for improving Resident Outcomes. This objectives and goals of this article is justified with respect to the organizational demands for managing change management process within hospitals. Processes for managing change to the project According to Kuipers et al. (2014), the change management process are affecting the public organizations. In contrast with these facts, the public organizations are considering the change management perspectives for managing the organizational development perspectives. In addition to this, this article is considering qualitative research method for collecting required data for the concerned research processes. In addition to this, the research results and process are justified enough for managing the change perspectives involved within the organizational structure of public organizations with respect to various critical aspects involved within organizational development. According to Adeniji, Osibanjo and Abiodun (2013), specific project of the Nigerian banking industry based on the organizational change and human resource management processes and inventions are important for analyzing the change management in hospitals. In addition to this, this paper is using quantitative and qualitative analysis for managing the collecting databases about the processes of change management process involved within any organizational culture. This article has justified elaboration about the change management processes involved within the organizational structure of any specific organization. According to Jos et al. (2012) the professional discourages and resistance of changing processes involved within any organization involves change management process for managing organizational effectiveness. In contrast with these facts, there are various other aspects and specific aspects that are being elaborated within this article with respect to various aspects involved within any organization. In contrast with these facts, this article is considering the qualitative research methodology within this research process. In contrast with these facts, the research topic is effective justified with respect organizational goals and objectives with respect to the change management processes and funding. According to (2017), this article is elaborating about the enabling process of organizational change with respect to strategic initiatives within any organization. In contrast with these facts, this article is focusing on the organizational driving factors that are forcefully make changes towards the organizational development with the help of changing strategies and functionalities. In contrast with these facts, research methods used within this research article. The considered research topic is justified within this article as this entirely based on change management process for managing organizational development. Comparisons and Contrast In contrast with these facts, the concept of change management is effectively elaborated with respect to organizational context. This can be stated from the comparison of concerned literature that change management has effectively implemented within organizational context with respect to various organizational objectives and goals. The comparison is stating that the change management process is mandatory for any kinds of organizational or project development with respect to various critical aspects depending on the system architecture and organizational demands project involved within any organization. In this portion of the report it is analyzed that change management processes are dependent on the conditions involved within any project or organization. In contrast with these facts, it is found that though there are various specifications of different situation within different projects, conditional facts and conditions in managing change management are same as general sense of the need for managing change management within any project or organization. In contrast with the facts and perspectives involved within the system architecture of any organization or project, the perspective of change management is brought within the project or organization with respect various critical aspects and concepts. Recommendations The project concerned for this report is the upcoming project of California State University to automate their ITSM system architecture with respect to their various network and system architectural needs. Therefore, the implementation of these kinds of network infrastructural needs there must be some recommendations. Therefore, in order to manage effective change management processes and functionalities involved within the concerned organization, some of the effective recommendations are being provided within this part of the assignment. These are given as follows: Standard utilization of devices: Standard utilization of devices are if incorporated within the change management processes then the system architectural changes and development processes are supported by the considered change management processes within California State University. Therefore, this aspects needs to be managed with respect to the standard device utilization processes. In addition to this, there are various critical aspect that are important for managing the network infrastructure of CSU and this can be achieved with the help of this aspect. Blocking of unauthorized changes: Blocking of unauthorized changes within the network infrastructure will prevent the effective data thefts and hacking processes involved within the system architecture of the concerned network of CSU. In addition to this, third party accesses to the databases are denied with this technological development. The change management process concerned for this project of CSU can be easily conducted and managed with the help of this functional aspect involved within the project of CSU. Detailed compliance reporting: Detailed compliance reporting is one of the effective and supportive aspect for managing the change management processes involved within the project of CSU with respect to various network and infrastructural changes involved within the system architecture of CSU. SOX, HIPAA and COBIT are the compatible standards involved within the system architecture of CSU organization for managing the change management process. Comprehensive analysis and validation reporting: This aspect introduces the aspect that users of the concerned network infrastructure of CSU can easily monitor their databases and information presented to the system architectural heads and consumers. Therefore, the change management process involved within the network changes of CSU can be easily managed with the help of this technical recommendations. Comprehensive analysis of the validation and reporting perspectives provide solutions for meeting users queries. These queries generate various issues within the network that can be solved with the help of various critical aspects and concepts of change management within network infrastructure of CSU. Management of unplanned device configuration changes: Management of the unplanned device configuration system is very important for managing the change of infrastructure within CSU for managing the organizational effectiveness and system architectural demands of the organization. In contrast with these facts, the validation and reporting can be considered while managing the change management process with the help of this recommendation. The configurations can be easily managed with the help of various aspects and contexts involved within the change management processes involved within CSU. Conclusion This can be concluded that change management process is very important concept as well as aspect for managing organizational as well as project development perspectives. In contrast with these facts, this article is elaborating about various critical aspects in solving critical situations involved within project. In contrast with these facts, this report is providing different literature reviews with respect to various perspectives and concepts involved within various projects and organizations with respect to their change management processes and functional measures involved within the project management process. This report summarizes about the processes and methods involved within the change management processes involved within any concerned project. In addition to this, various recommendations are provided within this assignment that supports the improvisation of change management perspectives involved within any considered project. This report is highlighting the needs and benef its of change management system architecture within projects or organizations. References Adeniji, A.A., Osibanjo, A.O. and Abiodun, A.J., 2013. Organisational Change and Human Resource Management Interventions: an Investigation of the Nigerian Banking Industry.Serbian Journal of Management,8(2), pp.2-16. 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